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A Skilled and Experienced Attorney in Jacksonville, FL

Dedicated and Compassionate Legal Assistance

Sunshine Law Group LLC is an experienced law firm serving Jacksonville, FL and the surrounding area. Our attorney, Heather Mayer, has the expertise to navigate complicated cases in various legal areas. She specializes in securing the best possible result for her clients – beginning with the consultation and ending with the final steps. Whether you are going through a divorce, have a custody or support matter, or facing criminal charges, you can count on her discretion, commitment, and legal knowledge. You’re in good hands.

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We Take Your Case and Provide Stress-Free Representation

Our attorney understands how stressful and difficult any kind of legal charge or case can be. Criminal charges can permanently alter your life in the form of jail time and a criminal record, making it difficult to find work. Divorce proceedings, custody matters and criminal charges can drag on and create anguish for all parties. But regardless of your situation, you can expect unparalleled professionalism from Heather Mayer. Past clients have marveled at her ability to use the justice system to their benefit, resolving their cases in as beneficial a manner as possible.

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Practicing Law Since 2013

Heather Mayer has practiced law since 2013. Over the years, she has learned the value of not only possessing an acute understanding of the law but also the importance of building trust with her clients. She feels it is essential for clients to understand their legal situation and the strategies she uses to resolve their difficulties and disputes. You can trust her with your future.

Sunshine Law Group LLC

2950 Halcyon Ln, Suite 305
Jacksonville, FL 32223

(904) 4SUNLAW

Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM

After hours available by apt. Client’s have 24/7 access via directed cell communication and email.

2950 Halcyon Ln suite 305, Jacksonville, FL 32223, USA